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Seaweed hair and squid cape.....OF COURSE. Here's an idea, how about you make a free item for people that pay for membership. Ugh, just....ugh Not everyone plays throughout the whole year and this is nothing to cry about all the free items they offered so far seem to be the ones players are least likely to buy.

I don't get where this damn sense of entitlement from members is coming from.

They told you you'd get a free item every month. They didn't tell you you'd get the newly released items or the most cheap rs gold expensive thing in there. Hell, you're lucky to get anything at all.

When you pay for membership, you pay for an expanded game, not to be a V.I.P. player who gets everything handed to you.

Forgive my scepticisim but seeing is believing as their promises
mean nothing to me after what they have done in the past

That's exactly why people are angry. We were promised a free item every month. I was fine with the stupid crab emote buy rs accounts, and the even worse frog emote was still acceptable. Even the brutal club was nice despite the fact that I haven't used maces since before EOC when I could use prayer to train combat without food.

What is not acceptable is insultingly getting something for free that a sizable portion of the game's population already has gotten sell rs accounts for free in the not at all distant past.

The only thing that would be more insulting is if they gave us the "Thrifty" title, or the Festive Aura next month.

