
runescape feedback forum open

Where's the long promised update to standarise all types of bonus xp in-game? I think it would be worth releasing it before RuneScape 3 comes, so that the systems are prepared for all types of cool game content to come...

These have been now added:
Also, I want to remind you about off-hand black weapons that are unobtainable in-game, as well as off-hand leaf-bladed swords sell runescape accounts that should be a drop somewhere in Fremennik Slayer dungeon, but aren't. Thanks!

But you forgot about this:
And also wizard gloves that are unobtainable as well (cause you can't attack wizards in the Wizards' Tower)..cheap rs gold. and I'm not even sure if that's the end of the list of unobtainable items that only exist in the Grand Exhange and should be added to the game.

