
I am not hating lodestones

Can we get a loadstone in the GE, please - walking from the Varrock Loadstone or the town square after teleporting is just to damned hard!You can actually set your varrock teleport (not lodestone) to the grand exchange if you do some varrock tasks.The POH makes Runescape accounts sell space in your bank. Those books alone would take up a lot of space.

In fact, however, the value of the POH has been diminished by loadstones. I haven't made one teletab since loadstones. The only time I use the teleport room is when I'm finished making flatpacks (which, as you know, are totally useless except for getting construction xp).

The point I had made wasn't just about the POH, it's that loadstones make other parts of the game redundant as well sell rs accounts.but if you can prove it, go ahead. Else why have the separate numbers?

And eh. There's always going to buy runescape accounts be a vocal minority that rages in the forums, for both good reasons (*cough* starborn diamonds *cough*) and bad. It gives a bit of a rose-tinted view of what the community likes and doesn't like, and shouldn't be used to make broad-sweeping statements about things like EoC and the like.

I do remember all the excitement when they announced that EoC was coming, though. Lots of positive reactions.Matchgirl, I am not hating lodestones, because some noobs will travel faster then I, when I was level 3.

