
White Mage and Scholar are both very good to start FFXIV

White Mage and Scholar are both very good to start FFXIV.

You need both a WHM and a SCH in any endgame fight buy FFXIV Gil. Now in 3.0 astrologian have a nice trade off. It can switch from shield type healer or a main healer like WHM. The down side is it's a long cool down so you would stay as one during the fight. The really good up side is if you have a WHM in the party then you switch to shield mode if you have a SCH in your party you switch over to main healer. So it the best job for the people that enjoy playing both. But for now i would level both them up and see which one you like better FFXIV Gil.

Scholar is better at healing single target party members while White Mage is better at healing AoE.both are needed for endgame content. if you leveled SCH then u got leveled SMN also. but you got unicorn mount if you leveled WHM till lv 30 grin emoticon.You'll find you own preferred Job, personally I love SCH and I main it, I have a WHM too but I just don't gel with it as much.

I main both. I like both for different reasons. You may prefer one over the other... or you may just prefer both. You'll find it out as you level both.Current ideal raid set up is one of each, good sch are hard to find though sometimes. Which is why i pray mine never leaves my static.It comes down to play style. I am a reactive healer so I at whm (secondary now as I main blm) and Ollie is a preactive healer meaning he is great at being a sch because he knows when to mitigate moves etc. another way to look at it is whm is your more big and bursty heals while sch is about shielding and mitigating the damage.

