
The Cost of the sub is nothing compared to bills

The Cost of the sub is nothing compared to bills and mortgages you have to pay FFXIV Gil later in life Jerry, adding the tiny sub on top is like buying a pizza once a month. sigh well idk whats in your brains but im done dealing with idiots i dont deal with them and i dont go low as them so until you know me or cheap FFXIV gil walked a mile in my shoes or skin then i recomend not replying its a pointless effort and you all are idiots who think this game is better than everything else.

There you go again about how hard it is to be you and calling others idiots when you are the one still living with mommy and daddy with no job no prospects and hating those who dont agree with you.

I shouldn't be in the conversation? That's rich coming from the person bitching about a game not being free to play...despite following that game on Facebook. Why are you following a game that you don't play, have never played and will never play? If anyone doesn't belong in the conversation its you. We are the players, we are the people who support the game and the ones who help shape it. You call me a try hard because i am willing to buy FFXIV Gil pay to play and support a game that I enjoy? Well I call you a self absorbed lazy little brat who thinks the world owes him something, who will whine and moan if he doesn't get what he wants because you're unwilling to earn anything for yourself. cheap FFXIV gil Next time how about you take your own advice and "stfu" on things that don't concern you.

