
SE with FFXIV are taking advantage of this loop hole

 It had the Midgardsormr attached to it. Very small static statuette. I expect a similar quality and size for the Zenos figure. The height of the Midgardsormr statuette is slightly smaller. Aprox 15cm, while Zenos will be aprox 18cm. Btw, the cloth (if similar) also came with the 1.0 CE back in 2010.I stopped playing it cos I couldn't justify spending $$$ for my subscription. Originally it use to cost me $18 a month and over time its jumped to$26 a month. At the end of the day it all adds up. Cheap FFXIV Gil ;26$ a month? Wat? It's 15$ a month.

 Not if you pay the 18 (multi toons) and then get extra retainers. I don't know all I know is it costs me 26 a month so gave up on it. But keeping in mind aussie exchange rate is ridiculous. SE.. I love FFXIV but $200 is expensive... even more for not US residents... I have to pay like %30 taxes for this... I now that you want to make money for this but you have to balance between make profit and have more customers happy...

It's not their fault you live in the country you live in. Yeah, we in the US are a bit lucky in that sense but you also don't NEED it. If you can't afford it then you can't afford it Buy FFXIV Gil. I got the regular version of Heavensward for that reason. Solution was to upgrade digitally and buy the statue separately later on when I had enough. If you want it that bad, look for extra jobs/tasks to take on before it comes out to pay it off with the EXTRA cash. It's a collectors edition. Like I said, if you can't get it, oh well. Just get the expansion if you want to play the content and move on. You'll be okay, I promise. Anthony Malcolm How day they try to profit off of us to pay their employees, invest in the game and so on!

Certain countries are ripped off because they don't have a conversion rate, so stfu with your stuck up nonsense learn some economics assholes. SE with this game are taking advantage of this loop hole.  I know that they dont care if I live outside US and the taxes... but I just give them my general opinion about it.Do people remember SOPA???? When every bloody country helped america because it was bullshit. But when other countries need assistance Americans be like: Deal with it. This is why if another SOPA happens use are fucked. you dont have to pay for it, wow did you just saved money!? now you know how to live under capitalism. Well done!

